
Dialogue Exchange offers expertise and services in the following areas

  1. Diagnostic investigationinto your current issues and dilemmas.  This phase is conducted with you – not β€˜on’ you – and all resulting action plans are co-developed with you also.
  2. Project design and management. If the diagnosis suggests that that there is a need for a planned intervention, then we wil work with you on the design and on the mobilisation of that plan
  3. Leadership Development. Should the need be in the area of leadership development then we will explore options to deliver to this need and propose an approach that will fulfil your needs
  4. One-to-one coaching. We are highly experienced and qualified coaches. We find that coaches is required at some level during most of the interventions we are engaged with.
  5. Engagement strategies. Beyond working with the leadership group we are often called on work with staff at all levels and locations to ensure that transitions are understood and that energies are aligned around strategies.
  6. Evaluation. We have a long track record in evaluation of our own and of others projects; and we view evaluation as an essential part of ensuring that learning becomes embedded at an individual and an organisational level. In this way the learning becomes embedded in action.