Case Studies

Client BusinessConsulting Activity
Coface Reinsurance UKSkilling a group of internal
coaches to provide coaching
support to managers and
staff during a period of major
strategic transition
Regional Borough UK

Support to Social Policy
Executive while reframing
Management Education policy
and practice for the borough.  
Support to OD manager as she
designed then facilitated major
action research intervention.
Major Research Council UKTop team support, and
one-to-one support of CEO,
deputy CEO
and key players including HR
director and change manager.
Lloyds Bank UKEvaluate culture change
programme for key leaders
in commercial bank with
coaching support to key
executives and managers.   
Midas Construction UKCoaching support to HR manager on
coaching skills and career development  
BP USA Strategic and coaching support to
CEO and internal change
managers and consultants during
period ofintense strategic
realignment .    
Organic products businessCoaching support to founders and their
staff from start-up to establishing a global online and retail business